The noble Elk will offer you transport wherever you desire, or you can charge into battle with the fearless Dwarf soldier. The Side Quest Character Pack – Take command of a LEGO big figures River Troll or Girion, the last Lord of Dale.

The LEGO big figure Snow Troll is sure to shake things up and you’ll also have the chance to play as Bandobras “Bullroarer” Took or a Stone Dwarf from Erebor. The Big Little Character Pack – Strike a little fear and terror into the hearts of your foes with Baby Smaug, or enjoy a cameo appearance of Baby Gimli from The Lord of the Rings Trilogy.

The next stage of your LEGO The Hobbit, adventure with three new content packs now available for download on Xbox Live and PlayStation Network! With two new character packs and an awesome new item pack, players going through Middle-earth will have access to more recognizable characters, cool new weapons and tons of new side quests.