Step 7: Again when prompted, select the Internet Explorer option in the pop-up box. Step 6: When prompted, log into Microsoft Azure using your Microsoft account. Step 5: In Remote Desktop, select the Azure RemoteApp option from the top title bar navigation. Internet Explorer 11 is currently available in the following LIP languages. Step 4: On the Mac, launch the Remote Desktop app. For more information, see Download languages for Windows. In order to download a LIP for Internet Explorer, you need to have a matching Windows LIP. Windows 7 Language Interface Packs (LIPs) provide a translated version of the most widely used areas of the user interface. If you find that you’re not running the most current version of Internet Explorer for your operating system, you can download it using one of the available links at the Internet Explorer Download Center. To find out which version of Internet Explorer you should be running, check the info for your version of Windows. If any site you visit needs Internet Explorer 11, you can reload it with Internet Explorer mode in Microsoft Edge. Run the site in each document mode until you find the mode in which the site works. Support for Internet Explorer ended on June 15, 2022. Open the site in Internet Explorer 11, load the F12 tools by pressing the F12 key or by selecting F12 Developer Tools from the Tools menu, and select the Emulation tab. Microsoft Edge is the browser recommended by Microsoft