Simply go to Classes and click the Clever icon in the upper-right corner of your screen. If you manage your classes with Clever Library integration, you can sync them with your edclub account within seconds. Teachers can post a link to their unique portal's URL on the Google Classroom dashboard.Google SSO: to customize your login preferences, go to: Settings Account Settings Login Options.

Students imported with Google Classroom can log into edclub in two ways: Note that this sync is NOT automated if there are changes in your Google Classroom, remember to re-sync your edclub classes by clicking the Google Classroom icon again. Once the import is finalized, your students and classes will be automatically created. You'll be prompted to log in to your Google account and pick the classes you'd like to import. Simply go to Classes and click the Google Classroom icon in the upper-right corner of your screen. If you manage your classes on Google Classroom, you can sync them with your edclub account within seconds. Please reach out to for further information regarding the frequency of the sync. Once the initial sync has been completed, the data will be synced periodically. Both of them require the school or district admin to share their data with us on the respective platform. Currently, we offer integrations with Clever and ClassLink for accounts that purchase 200+ licenses.

The data from your internal Student Information System (SIS) can be automatically synced with edclub. Automatic nightly syncs are a great option for large districts with frequent changes in rosters, while the manual upload works best for smaller accounts that don't mind updating student information in edclub manually. They all require a different amount of day-to-day maintenance. Edclub offers a number of rostering options for teachers and school/district administrators.